Shiro abhyanga (Head Massage)-:
Ayurvedic system of medicine approaches in a particular way to prevent and promote a healthy life by following certain methods and therapies in day to day activities (#dinacharya) which could be considered as a part of a health promotion among the fast moving people of this 21st century.
ShiroAbhyanga (#head massage) which is one among the dinacharyas, is an ancient Indian approach adopted for healing, #relaxation and treating various diseases. It is one of the most important day today activities of life, as how early to bed and early to rise, then brushing of tooth etc. are important.
In Ayurveda it is clearly mentioned that the #shiroabhyanga controls #vata dosha and the person develops strength both #physically and #mentally.
Ayurvedic head and body massage not only provides relaxation to body and mind, it also keeps many diseases and #stress at bay. It makes us competent enough to face the toughness of day-to-day life with ease. It is just like servicing the body on a daily basis.
According to Ayurveda, #Abhyanga or herbal oil massage is not complete and comprehensive unless the head (ShiroAbhyanga) and foot (PadaAbhyanga) are also incorporated with it.
#ShiroAbhyanga is a word comprising of 2 terms, shiro meaning head, Abhyanga meaning massage. Thus ShiroAbhyanga means giving an Ayurvedic head massage using herbals oils.
Why Shiroabhyanga (head massage )?
Ayurveda considers the human body as an inverted tree where in the roots are at the top and the branches pointing downwards.
If the human body is considered to be a tree – The head of the human body will be considered to be the roots of this tree,The central portion of the body made up of thorax and abdomen is said to be the trunk of this tree and to be the branches of this tree.
Just like the roots nurture and controls all the activities and well being of the tree, the head is the operational centre of the entire body. The head comprises of all the components and machinery to control the entire body mechanics and dynamics.
Head is an abode of the remote control of the entire body- ‘The Brain and nerves’ and all the components which keep us attached and attracted to this material world – ‘The Sense Organs.’ For these reasons the head is called as ‘Uttamanga’ – The best organ of the lot in the body’
The head is made up of brain and sense organs which manipulates the whole body and mind functions and keep us healthy when they are in a frame of well being. Head thus forms a control station for all our life activities. When we take care of the control station properly, the whole body factory will function smoothly.
On the other hand, to get rid of any body or mind related illness we need to go back to the control station (Uttamanga) called head and address it with suitable treatments and medications.
This also gives us an impression that the most ancient science called Ayurveda very well knew that most of our diseases occur due to disturbed mind or exacerbated by a disturbed mind. Healing the body or mind alone is not a comprehensive medical approach. They should be handled as a single entity.
Since taking care of the head and its components is mandatory for maintaining a healthy life we need to nurture, pamper, relax, soothe and strengthen the engine of our system by conducting ShiroAbhyanga.
The Ayurvedic oils used for shiroabhyangahave properties to cool the brain, enhance eyesight and calm the mind. Head massage also increases oxygen supply to the brain along with the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, increasing the level of life energy. It is also an excellent natural way for the relief of migraines.
Applying suitable pressure on pressure points in the head tends to control the Behavioural issues of children and lead a stable lifestyle.
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